Thursday, 12 October 2017

Lifestyle Update: I've gone vegan!

So it finally happened.
Last night me and the husband were watching What The Health and we decided to go vegan.
Simple as that.

So what will change from now is that I will be transitioning to vegan beauty.
Transitioning being an important word here.
I will continue to use my cruelty free items (I'm not going to throw things away) which contain Carmine and Beeswax but I will from now on be adding a little star next to the items which aren't vegan or are... Haven't decided yet! But will be mentioning it on whatever I post, which order it is. Again, I'm still figuring things out and going to be doing some soul searching for a while. I'll be doing random updates here and on Instagram stories.

I'm quite excited for this change.
Might seem silly but it really feels like a weight has been lifted of me, there has been a lot of battles with people who haven't chosen to educate themselves about why being vegan is good.
It has been to the point of where I just don't go out.

It's exhausting defending something you know is good for yourself and the planet. Some people are too comfortable arguing against it because they don't know better. But I have also seen good things, I'm currently helping a guy transition into less meat which makes me so happy. So there are those who want to change but might not know where to start.

So yeah, vegan!
If anyone wants to transition with me, let's do it!
Feel free to share recommendations with me on Instagram (@cynthiaiskillikill).

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